20-22 Jun 2022 Strasbourg (France)

Journées Scientifiques “Galaxies”

The French Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies (PNCG, https://pncg.lam.fr/) organizes a national conference from 20 to 22 June 2022 in Strasbourg on galaxy formation and evolution, nearby galaxies, and Galactic archeology. 

We particularly encourage researchers funded by the PNCG, students, postdocs, and young researchers in France or with ties to the French community to present their work. It is possible for presenters to ask for financial support when registering. Presentations will be in English. 


Key themes: 

  • Galaxy formation and evolution 
    - First galaxies
    - Statistical properties of galaxies
    - Physics of galaxies
    - Interaction between galaxies and their environment
    - Galaxy groups and clusters

  • Nearby galaxies and Galactic archeology
    - Star formation and the interstellar medium
    - Stellar populations
    - Chemical enrichment and primordial gas
    - Galactic dynamics and dark matter

The journées will be held at the Collège Doctoral Européen (https://cde.unistra.fr/, 46 bd de la Victoire 67000 Strasbourg), in front of the Strasbourg Observatory (ObAS, https://astro.unistra.fr/). 


Key dates

6 May 2022: deadline for abstract submission

20 June 2022: beginning of the Journées (13h) 

22 June 2022: end of the Journées (18h)


Samuel Boissier
Paola Di Matteo
Yohan Dubois
Benoit Famaey
Jonathan Freundlich 
Vanessa Hill
Clotilde Laigle
Guilhem Lavaux
Anne-Laure Melchior
Joakim Rosdahl


Matthieu Bethermin
Paolo Bianchini
Lucie Correia
Amandine Doliva-Dolinsky
Benoit Famaey
Thibaut François
Jonathan Freundlich 
Marie Korsaga
Morgane Lendrin
Clément Stahl
Wassim Tenachi
Émilie Thélie
Karina Voggel
Zhen Yuan 

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